Reference Book on Chemical Engineering Volume1 and 2
Reference Book on Chemical Engineering Volume1
A Chemical Engineer needs to know not only the im~ide changes in a Production Process viz. Chemical, Physical, Thermochemical, Thermodynamics and Kinetics, but also he has to know the basics of other engineering disciplines as well as currentdevelopments. During my long service period in Production, Process Design and Projects, I found most of these information are available at different sources and is not always possible to acquire these infonnation always. 'Ib meet these gaps, I have given as much information as possible in Volume I and Volume II of this book on various processes, data tables, some unit operations etc. usuany required by Professional Chemical Engineers and Chemical Engg. students. In addition, a chapter on Glossary of Terms has a]so been provided for refreshing the essential information un chemistry and other topics.
Reference Book on Chemical Engineering Volume2
This volume II contains a large number of data tables and graphs in Part A whereas in Part B essential information on other engineering disciplines viz. civil, mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and general matters were given for Chemical Engineering students as well as for professionals. Some of the information on other engg. areas and finance were written by experienced senior engineers and finance executives from industry to make this volume more interesting. This volume was also reviewed by Professor U.P. Ganguly (retd.) of Chemical Engg. Deptt. of IIT, Kharagpur.I thank to all who have assisted in this work.
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